Co-op placement which lasts for 6 to 8 months will start in summer session each year until the first term of the next academic year. Unlike internship which requires students to apply for suspension of study, Co-op participants’ student status will remain unchanged during the placement terms. Other than the Co-op placement and assessment course (COOP4001), participating students will not be able to sign up for other courses and will earn one unit for each of the placement courses while enjoying the welfare and benefits as CUHK students.
To complete Co-op placement, students admitted in their final year ought to defer their graduation for at least a semester. Hence students will have to strategically formulate the study plan especially for their last two semesters if there is a need to extend their study period.
** Subject to different study schedules
The vision of Co-op@CUHK is to cater for the unmet needs of the evolving new economy and bridge the knowledge gap between ‘text-book’ theory and ‘real world’ practices.
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Co-op Placement
Co-op Placement vs Internship